A Southern California native with a passion for good food, adventure, and all things beautiful. Join me for skincare advice, beauty and makeup reviews, style and fashion tips, and more!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Life Through Instagram

I seriously love to eat! Here's some pictures of what I've been enjoying lately. It was my first time trying takoyaki (a japanese snack food).....I think I have a serious addiction now! 
1. Flatbread from the Lazy Dog Cafe
2. Preparation of takoyaki in front of Marukai
3. My delicious takoyaki!
4. Some side dishes from BCD Tofu House
Some pictures of things I love about Fall!
1. Halloween Candy....because who doesn't love some chocolate? :)
2. It's persimmon season...I really love these!
3/4. This time of year, I usually bake a lot. It just seems right, especially for the holidays. on the left is applie pie and on the right are strawberry tarts.

1. I always order the same thing at BCD, beef sundubu
2. My daily starbucks :)
3. My very sleepy dog, Ace
4. I attended the OC Car Show a few weeks ago

1. I LOOVEE my new Zara boots! They look very similar to the Givenchy ones don't they?
2./3. I change my nail polish a lot. My current favorites are Big Apple Red by OPI and Wicked by ESSIE
4. And as you know, I recently dyed my hair. My favorite part about going to the salon is looking at these Japanese fashion magazines (even though I can only look at the pictures since they're in Japanese!)
Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @bijouminou for more pictures!


  1. Great pics and the food looks yummy!


  2. These food photos look delicious!

    <3 KellysKouture.blogspot.com

  3. Lovely blog<3
    Check out mine sometime if you want :)

  4. Great photos! xx


    P.S. Now following you on Bloglovin ;)

  5. Yum! So many treats & goodies.

    <3 Melissa

  6. Heeee I've already seen a lot of these because I already follow you on Instagram :) :) What app did you use to add the spots on the second last picture? It's a really cool effect!

    Pop by and visit my blog Taken By Surprise! xx

  7. Wow, yum!! All of this looks so delicious! Especially that pizza :D Lovely instagram photos. I've been meaning to get instagram for a while now.

  8. You must be a gourmet. I also like eating and sometimes, I like cook it just by myself.:))

  9. Oh my god, who doesn't love to eat? And your life looks so crazy delicious too!

    <a href="http://lasaloperie.blogspot.com.br/>http://lasaloperie.blogspot.com/</a>


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