A Southern California native with a passion for good food, adventure, and all things beautiful. Join me for skincare advice, beauty and makeup reviews, style and fashion tips, and more!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Life Through Instagram

Birthday Girl

My Birthday was on Nov 17th, and I really wanted to share more pictures with you guys , but I got food poisoning later in the day and had to cancel the rest of my plans :(
Here are some pictures of what I enjoyed before I got sick!
2. My slice of birthday cake!! It was blueberry chiffon....delicious!
3.This little custard was delicious
4. I got all my sweet goodies from Paris Baguette! I love the chic decor and parision feel.


Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays....probably because I love food! Here are some pictures of what I had with my family.

Other Goodies

1. I FINALLY  received my gold card from Starbucks. I'm obviously addicted to coffee!!
2. My new glasses from Firmoo are amazing. See them styled in my last post!
3. Good fortune from a cookie
4. I have really been eating a lot of Asian food lately. Here's a picture of Canh Bun, a traditional Vietnamese soup.


  1. Oh no such a shame that you got sick on your birthday, that cake looks super yummy though :) xx

  2. Lovely photos! I've got glasses from Firmoo too ;)


  3. Happy belated bday!!!!!! Check out my latest blog post on this cool website i found selling designer sunnies at discounted prices!

  4. belated happy birthday! lovely shots, those dishes look yummy xx

    Letters To Juliet

  5. The Wohle Stuff looks so yummy getting hungre dear <3
    Hope you enjoyed
    X the Cookies

  6. love the glasses on the last pic!


  7. Lovely snapshots! The food look so good!

    Stop by sometime, xo Natalie


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